Medical Marijuana Attorney in Riverside
Facing a Medical Marijuana Charge in Riverside County, CA?
As of 2013, California is one of nineteen states that permits the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. Passed as part of the Compassionate Use Act in 1996, the legacy of medical marijuana in California is one shrouded in a haze of conflicting legislations, constant turmoil, and legal tribulations for those who believed that they complied with state law. If you or your loved one is currently facing a criminal allegation for any medical marijuana related issue, allow Grech & Packer to advocate on your behalf.
Our Riverside medical marijuana lawyers from the Law Offices of Grech & Packer represent clients throughout Riverside County, including:
- Dispensary owners
- Dispensary employees
- Licensed businesses or growers
- Licensed medical marijuana patients
- Physicians and medical professionals
- Caregivers
The primary reason for the seemingly ends stream of difficulties faced by those within the medical marijuana industry stems from the fact that although cannabis is permitted for medical use in California and even decriminalized to an infraction for possession of less than an ounce, it is still illegal to possess of use under federal law. This is a conflicting predicament that has led to countless drug crime arrests and convictions throughout Southern California. From possession to cultivation, transportation, and trafficking the charges that may arise are in every way serious criminal allegations.
Protecting Your From Criminal Penalties
The legitimacy of California's medical marijuana industry is volleyed around local, state and federal courts relentlessly. This places those who make their livings owning or working in dispensaries in unending turmoil and at constant risks for federal raids and arrests. For many of these proprietors and employees who have invested their personal and professional lives into their business, the effects of arrests and convictions can be devastating.
Although medical marijuana creates new, unique, and difficult legal issues, our Riverside medical marijuana attorneys are committed to ensuring that justice is upheld and that your rights as a defendant are protected. By evaluating your situation with a personalized approach, our legal team can work diligently to apply the law to the facts and to present a clear and convincing defense on your behalf. Tumultuous at best, the medical marijuana debacle is one that must be addressed so that innocent people are not unjustly punished.
Discuss Your Medical Marijuana Case
Although the battle to bring clarity and uniformity to medical marijuana laws rages on, numerous residents throughout Riverside and the surrounding communities continue to face criminal allegations.
If you would like to learn more about the charges you face and how our legal team can protect your rights, contact a Riverside medical marijuana lawyer at (951) 291-0105 from Grech & Packer today.
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